Exclusive Block Train from Shanghai to Russia
We are delighted to announce that Shanghai Greenline Logistics Co., Ltd. again working with Shanghai Railway and Ruston to send off the first exclusive block train from Shanghai to Russia in early this year. It is reported that there were about 1600 units of express cabins, owned by one of the most famous company, to be installed in every corner of the city centre of Moscow and Saint Petersburg in Russia. It implies that we, SGL – Shanghai Greenline Logistics, once again help many of similar famous Chinese companies going out to oversea market under the current one belt, one road policy.
The said block train will be going through the Chinese-Russian border and set off by starting at the border of Manzhouli all the way up to Moscow with about 7800 KM distance and it takes about 2 weeks time to arrive Moscow. Having this railway train service in place, it can greatly save the lead time with more than 60 % comparing with ocean shipping !
Prepared by ben ho
Issued on : January 23, 2022